For The Complete Planet X Space "FULL MONITORS" Earth Researchers and FOR "Serious Researchers". Check . Access To Exclusive Content Videos,Articles uncensored. Access To Private sections on both our Nibiru-Elenin websites, and access to "Exclusive" Content, Information on Earth Planet X and content You need to know but youtube google and the Media DO NOT Want you to know, and all New Findings reports which will only go on SlavePlanet, NOT on other Media..
The Following Information is Credited to "Roberto From Italy" It is HIS many years of research and decoding Crop Circles, we thank him for the what must be thousands of hours time and efforts in making the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fit ! "Nibiru - Planet X - 2nd Sun" all terms relating to the same end result, namely the complete Chaos on earth, Roberto refers to this as Gods Cleanse of the Earth, Many believe its all myth, many are in denial and treat it as a silly folklore, many including us have staunchly researched and fully understand the Reality, it is going to happen, not a question of is it ? But more when is it ? THIS is the big question ?
ALL records show signs of the Earth going through Pole shifts and Catastrophic events in the Past, Many Cultures left signs and evidence warning this is and will be a regular thing, and mankind should be aware, and prepare as best as they can. Why do that IF it is nothing to fear ? You do Not record trivial matters .
Roberto From Italy ,
We only refer to Roberto from Italy as we respect his privacy and knowing how sensitive an issue this Can be, many people have tended to suffer sudden illnesses, or Freak accidents once this subject is approached with any accuracy !!! So we adopted and would hate to have him open to such bad luck. So Roberto from Italy he shall always remain. So who is this Roberto ? Why have we decided to let his findings be shown and have confidence in him ? Why are his findings different than our previous Anu Proph Findings ? Well The findings from both Anu and Roberto are not a million years apart ! Anu dealt with just crop circles and used natural estimates to arrive at his 2016 date, Roberto with his intense Biblical and Religious knowledge has from his own sets of crop circles and knowing insider informations, Put the Fine Tune and his Final date of 2017.
Roberto´s Background & Why we feel his input is valued.
1. Religious Roots FULL intricate knowledge of Christ and the Bible. 2. Highly Intelligent 3. Says he gets guidance from Angels and this has been proven in the following video.
Furthermore we spotted the dates Roberto Gives has a interesting Planet Alignment which tends to agree with Anu Prophs alignment concept, and yet another Confirm ..
NOTE ABOVE WHAT Stelarium states Planets should be at 21-07-2017 and see What Roberto has decoded what the Angels tell the Positions will be !! Scarey Stuff..
Some of the crop circle indicates dates of the Apocalipse events and the date of the SECOND SUN CRASHING against our SUN on July 21st 2017 - midday.
What you call Nibiru, it is actually a SOLAR SYSTEM made of a BLACK star whose mass is 0,66 our sun, plus 4 planets that will become 3 when one will crash towards URANUS on October 2016.
The second sun direction is from URANUS, and the Second Sun entered our solar system on August 4th, 2013. All the photos on google sky are bull shit, they made it as a trick to fool people. That indicated direction from ORIONS is wrong.
Computing the data into an excel sheet, getting the data form the crop circles, the scientific result gives that the same day come out from the indications of other VARIOUS crop circles, the ACTS of Apostoles 2,17 and moreover there is another conjunction with the 666 days of the Anti Christ period that has begun on sept.28, 2015 (last blood lunar eclipse) that leads to the Resurrection day on July 23/24th 2017. After that, there will be the SECOND COMING of Jesus Christ. NO UFO, non aliens, nothing of that.
All the events are confirmed since 2005 by the Holy Mother that appears in Anguera, Baia, Brasil. Without reading her messages, never you will be able to decode the crop circles. This in fact is what happened to me. Many crop circles indicated the same things, and some are interconnected to get the data to be computed. Without interconnecting them, non data will be available to be computed.
Who builds the crop circles? Are balls of light (angels if you like), to announce the return of Christ, are not aliens otherwise all those who claim to speak with the aliens, we would have already revealed everything, while they are only FALSE PROPHETS
many are lavished in decoding, but no one has succeeded, because nobody thought that the REFERENCE and 'CHRIST and HIS NEW COMING.
FIG. INTRO 2 -cerchio of 22.07.2008 amending previous
then some, to denigrate the presence of God, to get free advertising or for gain, they have tried to make the fake crop circles, but you can clearly see the rough hand of man. Some for-profit them and collected in books or on the web. Nice, but the mystery and 'now solved. There are angels who are writing messages for our salvation. In particular, several crop circles talking about this event.
FIG. INTRO 3 - Circle 07/17/2008
FIG. INTRO 4 - Circle 17/06/2012
The 4 circles tell us from heaven, a true story that we want to hide the treacherous men: the arrival of the SECOND SUN now entered our solar system. What is causing all the problems on the ground for about ten years now. Other circles predict earthquakes and other disasters.
There are two possibilities: either believe in God or believe in science. In this case you 'possible to believe in both, but the science is in the pay of the Masons, so, she will not have anything. The tests were all hidden, but the devil makes pots, the lids do not know, so here's the proof:
They call SECOND SUN or Nibiru, or BLACK SUN (in other ways) returns every 4,200 years or so and the last step caused the flood. Now it 's coming for the last time. Then do not go 'and not coming back' more. Crashes on our sun 'cause it's the END OF TIME so says the Virgin Mary who appears to Anguera Bay Brazil from 1987 to predict what will become of our land from here recently.
Given that 'the Virgin Mary to say that will collide with our Sun, there are only two possibilities to avoid direct confrontation by the Earth with the SECOND SUN and it' when it comes to about 90 ° from our position back, while us, we are moving away from its approach trajectory. This and 'the only way in which we do not we would be directly drawn. This situation and 'shown in FIG. 2. Any other position and 'dangerous and / or destructive to Earth
Second Sun coming just below the ecliptic plane of the 4th
The position of the Earth varies year on an orbit of 360 ° and makes a quarter of an orbit every 3 months. This and 'clear and obvious. The position must be already corrected with the Second Sun (short: SS), that is still about four months from the sun.
Depending on the direction of arrival of the 2nd Sun , we could find ourselves in a favorable position 2 of 4, away from him. This being said, below are shown the four possibilities.Note: The position of Venus next to the Earth in the figures and 'a very rare case. Earth and 'the one with the circle of the lunar orbit. Venus is more 'inside and then, still more internal, Mercury.
the SS coming from the direction of the arrow after 4 months is the ground position of Fig.4 or just past
the SS coming from the direction of the arrow after 4 months is the earth in position Fig.5 or just past the then BEHIND THE SUN
The SS coming from the direction of the arrow after 4 months is the ground position of Fig.6 or already exceeded then the Earth would attract to himself and us against schianteremmo
The SS coming from the direction of the arrow after 4 months is the ground position of Fig.3 or just past the Earth so it would attract to himself and us against schianteremmo
Given that all the assumptions that follow, have been studied and taken on 4 crop circles, these are is a consideration FUNDAMENTAL: the ORIGIN SS.
The circle of 07/22/2008 seems that the SS comes about from the position of URANUS, location marked with SS1 circled BLUE. THE drawing indicates (sign red line) the entry of the second sun with its satellites, and position INSIDE the Solar System between the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. Provenance BY DIRECTION AND URANUS 'confirmed by other crop circles that we will see further.
FIG. 7 - Circle 07/22/2008
In FIG. 7, the Cancer constellation is NOT in position SS2 (but traveled far - about 90 degrees to SS1, SO SHOULD NOT BE A REFERENCE TO CONSIDER). Instead pulling a line from SS2 to the center of the sun, NOT RANDOM intersects the crossing point A. This would seem to mean something; perhaps an indication of DATE which is between 4 and 15 August 2013 [Jupiter's position at that point in August 2013]. The second meaning of the position SS2 and its yellow line toward the sun and ': the SS enters the solar system to 15.8.2013 (or BETTER 08/04/2013)
FIG. 8 - circle appeared on 17-June 2012
In view of the above consideration, after, several calculations and thoughts, and the belief 'that the figure 8 of 06.17.2012, indicating NOT ONLY DATE and an EVENT, WITHOUT WANTING TO INDICATE the SECOND COMING of SUN.
Ie 'says:
1 - WHEN enters the solar system
Said circle would say:
1 - WHEN enters the solar system - take as a reference the date of 21-12-2012 (design of the position of the inner solar system), WHEN THE SUN will be 'in the constellation of Cancer (will be' at the heart of cancer eight months after the ' 08.01.2013), the SUN COME IN SECOND SOLAR SYSTEM
3 - THE SHAPE OF ORBIT - the two drive shafts are related to each other 0,66
4 - WHEN THE SUN COMES AGAINST leaves this deduction or decoding:
The indications are:
1 - the fringes are formed at the top by bead cores 46 (HIGH = higher value), and at the bottom 45 (LOW = lower value).
if you make the sum of the date indicated by the circle 08/04/2013 (entry according to the sun in the solar system), 46 months and 45 days you will have:
08.04.2013 + 46 months = 04.06.2017
06.04.2017 + 45 days = 07/19/2017
3 days before 22.7.2017 - this date is very consistent with that of 22.07.2017 as indicated on the intersection "I" in Fig. 7.2, considering the possible error of deduction of 04/08/2013 which would also be 5 or 6 to say, the bill is almost NOT RANDOM.
2 - referring to 12.21.2012 (position of the inner planets), when the second sun will come again in the constellation of Cancer (the 08.01.2013 - more 'precisely the figure shows the 4-August), the SECOND SUN enters the solar system.
FIG. 9 - SECOND SUN comes from the position of URANUS - point C [that we'll calculate]
Note 2: The terms of the approach to follow, does not depend on where the Second Sun is coming, but depend only on its orbit, its mass and its distance at a certain date. The source then affect ONLY on the possible location of Earth (and Venus) when the SS and 'near 12 AU and as close as explained in Figs 3/6
this force, to act, to be in front and PLUTO URANUS and might be (to 21/12/2012) in the position indicated by the red arrow. The line below shows a RED "INPUT in the Solar System," a system PLANETARY and the END of the line and 'the POSITION
The second sign and strange 'that starts from point A from the right orbit of Jupiter to get to point B by cutting the left orbit in the intersection "I".
You can think of trying the dates corresponding to points A and I. From the starting position of Jupiter at 21-12-2012 2 results are obtained: point A of Jupiter and 'its position at 15.08.2013 (day of' assumption of the Virgin Mary), while the intersection "I" will be seen to be the 07/22/2017. The circle WHITE MIDDLE up to touch the orbit of VENUS. It remains to understand the meaning of the stretch IB
The image that FUTURE will examine is the right circle appeared on 07.22.2008 The first thing "not random" - of this there is a picture with vertical 90 ° and pictures form a nearly perfect circle
FIG. 15
FIG. 39 - VENUS left - EARTH in the center - right LUNA "SUN"
FIG. 40 - Appeared on 07/17/2008
FIG. 40.1 - We check if the distances were actually Mercury and Venus [that has' taken the Earth and Moon] Note: Mercury is from the Sun at a distance ranging from 46 (perihelion) to 69.8 mil / Km (aphelion)
FIG. 41 - We check the distances between the positions of Mercury and Venus 02/02/2017
Note: The views and 'put in the same direction and axis of the crop circle in Fig. 40.1. In the figure below, where there is' the position of Venus, Mercury would be about perihelion (orbit very decentralized) and positions out 47 mil / km compared to the previous 49.8. A case?
The amendment to the solar system, giving different indications:
1 - NEW three horizontal lines running through it were MARKED
2 - 3 lines have strange "early" and "purpose" different
3 - adding 4 spheres of different sizes just outside the solar system.
since the position of Pluto and 'been shifted forward by about 30 ° (20 years) - see small circle blue normal position - and that of URANO of 10 °, this means that a large force in front of them, attracted them
4 - IN 2015, they appeared at least two crop circles that indicate the movement of the orbits of the planets of the Solar System, now view the closer range the SECOND SUN
this force, to act, must be in the years been more or less in front of PLUTONE. the red line at the bottom indicates that the SECOND SUN; with its satellites (marked with 4 wheels on the bottom left), and 'it entered the solar system (circle position BLUE). Note that the line reaches beyond the orbit of Neptune almost to the orbit of Pluto, which means' and IN. The circle 'was updated 8 days later. 8 days mean 8 months later, and that is' in August 2013. To this date there are two coincidences in two crop circles, that, and another of 17-June 2012.
The second sign and 'what part from point A from the right orbit of Jupiter to get to point B by cutting the left orbit in the intersection "I". He had thought about trying the dates corresponding to points A and I. From the starting position of Jupiter at 21-12-2012 2 results are obtained: point A of Jupiter and 'its position at 08.15.2013 (day of' assumption of the Virgin Mary - +/- 10 days to consider the thickness of the line), while the intersection 'I' and 'between Thursday 20 and Friday, 07.21.2017. The circle WHITE MIDDLE up to touch the orbit of VENUS. It remains to understand the meaning of section IB.
The image 'was distorted to make it more' round, and ROTATED in order to have the lines cross in parallel to ZERO DEGREES for the more precise references.Jupiter is + 15 °, while at point A Jupiter and 'moved on orbit approximately + 35 ° and reach of the surroundings that position in August 2013 and I point to + 148 °, in July 2017.
FIG. 7.2 - Verification positions of Jupiter on the crop circle - the position of the VENUS LIMIT CIRCLE WHITE - 8 days after The SW calculating the positions used in the figure below, show that the day 07.22.2017 Jupiter will be 'the position of the 148 °
FIG. 9 - reading three lines that is being considered is as follows
1 -the first bottom row says the SECOND SUN and 'entered the solar system and tells us where it came from (the position)
2 - the second line to the center MAKES tilt arrival SECOND SUN and unit of measure
3 - the third top row providing the date input of the second sun in the solar system (point A Fig.7.2) and the date of confrontation with the sun (point I of fig. 7.2). Note the date of the circle also provides the date of the battle ---> 07/22/2008
22- [7 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 17] ---> 22/07/2017
(see Fig. 9.61 - also confirmed by Fig. 9.4)
FIG. 9
FIG. 9.1 - Calculation of the ratios of the diameters between SUN and SUN ACCORDING to the calculation of the mass - we will see that there are circles that give exactly the result of the value of the mass and then perform a scientific calculation on the date of arrival
4- The two white circles could provide the size of the Sun and the SECOND SUN. Graphically, making the relationship between the two diameters, this figure could be considered to find a relationship between the masses into play: SUN and second sun + satellites or only SECOND SUN and SUN. Then see also Fig. 17
FIG. 9.1.2 - view of one of the first crop circles of 24.07.1994 - indicates the SUN and SUN SECOND inside the planets and the Sun According to it connected to his entourage. The meaning of the figures 2 seems to be the following:
1 - the first part shows the Solar System approaching. The mass of the SECOND COMING SUN is (and 'off-center) in our sun
2 - the second part shows the SECOND SUN CENTRE to our SUN. Ie 'and' entered the sun.
3 - between the two events happen one thing: URANUS is destroyed by one of the planets of the SECOND SUN and 5 major satellites of URANUS are lured by two planets the SECOND SUN. check the two figures
The two drawings show a sequence of events and that 'the SECOND SUN is approaching and will center our SUN. Note that the date of the circle is:
FIG. 9.1.3 - report of two ellipses in GRAPHICALLY and ': 0,615 ---> 3.49 / 6.67 - hard to hit. We will see that this is' a sign that is used to indicate the SECOND SUN ALWAYS: a circle with a diameter of 0.66 compared to the off-center CIRCLE OUTSIDE
from what 'we understand this circle of 1994, URANUS and' intended to be as close to DESTROYED UNDER THE SUN from October 2016 (see Fig. 9.1.6 next) - from this crop circle of 1994, will be '4th planet of the SS that will disintegrate against Uranus and the satellites of this will be drawn from the remaining three planets SECOND SUN and become satellites of the latter. The three remaining planets, around May 2017, will be at a distance from SECOND SUN, by approximately 35, 50 and 70 million km, according to the scheme of approximate figure. 9.1.5, determined from FIG. 23.1 next
FIG. 9.1.5 - SECOND SUN in the finishing straight and position of its three planets and their five major satellites (Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania Oberon) "collected" by Uranus. The distance to this date will be 10 astronomical units (distance SUN-SATURN for instance) and will take only 2 months and 21 days to hit our Sun and do implode
Because of the precession of the equinoxes, which is about one degree every 72 years, the position of the zodiac signs do not coincide with that of the constellations from which they seem to have got its name, you must specify that the constellations having variable amplitude, (eg. the constellation Leo occupies nearly three times the space than the cancer) were never fully coincide with the signs themselves. Beyond this fact the more precise overlay between signs and constellations took place about 1700 years ago, and today is no more text. They look at your charts.
The fringes are on the edge of an ellipse. The ellipse this time we consider it as the DESIGN of an orbit, given that the others are not designed as concentric circles, but just like the real concentric ellipses of the orbits of the planets 4.
If the ELLISSE was the orbit of the SECOND FORM THE SUN, from which can be derived graphically the drive shafts; it maybe we care little, as the third law of Kepler, known angular momentum and the radius of the orbit, no matter his eccentricity. The value of the angular speed and 'always calculable, of known masses and radius.
FIG. 9.8 -Check ORBIT on Fig. 9.2
the effective diameter ratio controlled ': 0.55 / 0.9 = 0.61 (assume 0.666) REPORT of the STUBAXLES and '2,675 / 4.00 = 0.668 (assume 0.666) given that the first possibility provides us it seems the relationship between the drive shafts
the ELLISSE is leaning against Jupiter. you would think that the period of revolution of JUPITER is a reference. The orbital period of Jupiter and 'of 11.864 years. For an orbital period of the Second Sun REASONABLE the years calculated in the Bible, you have to do a test of this type. Assuming that the numbers to be taken into consideration are 11.864, 90 or 91 and 4 (the inner planets) is obtained:
11.864 years x 90 x 4 = 4271 years. period very close to 4217.8. If you replace 4,271 years of orbit to 4217.8, the SECOND SUN comes a week before and that 'the 07.15.2017 instead of 21.07.2017. It just shifts the problem. I remain convinced that the day is the 7.21 also referred to the Acts of the Apostles and the 666 days of the Antichrist after the 28.09.2015.
FIG. 9.9 - FURTHER verification distance
3rd result directly from the crop circle -> 7.77 / 8.21 = 0,946 - consistent with 1 result -> = 45,97 UA
it seems that the two circles "speak" and that the assumption that the ellipse in Fig.9.3 is to consider the orbit of Pluto is gaining increasing ground. This' DOES NOT EXCLUDE giving also information on the orbit of the second sun.
FIG. 9.91 - occurs directly away from the star map.
3rd. MS ---> UA 48.66 / 11.23 x 10.04 = 43.5 UA
03/04/2017 - the day 04/03/33 and perhaps' the day when Jesus Christ died on the Cross, see the first tetrad BIBLICAL of MOON BLOOD
signs seem, more than anything else to give directions, as if the earth obliquerà and then slow down and out of orbit, and 'clear that the dates remain SIGNALS.
According to this forecast, the second sun and 'positioned in the day Friday, 8/18/2017, but the location does not seem to be of no interest and probably an indication and not' one of the SECOND COMING NEW SUN but that of Christ (OUR SUN, OUR LIGHT is for the SECOND TIME) that will take place in a NEW TIME and date corresponds to a year after the TRIUMPH of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (18/08/2016). The new time NOT BE 'calculable, THINK IS ONLY INDICATION
NOTE: the two blue circles and blue intersecting at the center SIGNS, are in a relationship: 6.65 / 4.85 and that 'exactly the ratio of the orbits of Earth and Venus.
1 - DOVE: announcement of the upcoming ERA PACE. The announcement of the Second Coming to May 7, 2017
2 - Planets in the wake of the SECOND SUN ?,
3 - perhaps instead the signal of the meteorite (or comet) that you crash into the ground, provided, perhaps on May 1 (Labor Day). At least one director on the sign dell'1-5-2017
1 - The circle that appears on Aug. 13, 2013 shows 22 circles bound together: consider them 22 or 22 days ALONE SOLAR
2 - August 29, 2013 the circle is completed with three concentric circles that form a HYPHENS DATA to read according to the scheme unlike Anglo-Saxon and propose again that here according to our calendar flipped: 29-24-17 ---> 29 -6 -2017 already '... with a SUN CENTER (SECOND SUN incoming) and 22 days SOLAR (do not know how many hours per day) later, we arrive at 07/21/2017 !!! but we are missing something fundamental: the 22 days of how many hours will be? easy
3 - make the difference between the second date of the second circle and the first date (August 29, minus 13 in August) and you will see that is exactly 16 !!! the difference would not mean anything, if he had not already known to the other circles that confirm 16 hours / days of the apocalypse, then it is not 'to be taken as random.
This confirms the astronomical calculation, and all other crop circles, and SCRIPTURES RETURN TO THE CHAPTER
FIG. 23.6 - circle of 24/07/2014 other confirmation of 07.21.2017
1 - 3 dots on the left are the three planets (Mercury-Venus and Earth) lined up as of Friday of Easter 2017
2 - the two circles BLACKS BIG are the only 2 that will meet and who are bound to one another, from the semi-circle to the left where the design of a small PISTON (T placed horizontally which means PUSH -) indicates that there is a So it is a push. iL SEMICIRCLE that unites them and 'also a SPRING.
3 - 2 at the center Off-center just always indicated with the usual symbol of the SECOND SUN ratio 0.66 to 1, and these are put CIRCUMSCRIBED a circumference external indicating MERGE 2 together-date and easy to understand: 24 -7-2017 and if you take away three days which are also the three dots it is always 07/21/2017. the symbols usually are never unique, but can also have parallel meanings. maybe T horizontal indicates just that ---> even in less 3 days to count. The dots also indicate also the 3 days of darkness Off-center the two outer circles with a passion that unites them at 12 o'clock noon and indicates that 'Clash of the ORA. the two circles are Off-center to give an indication of just 2 that are not of the same diameter.
4 - maybe there 'another meaning given by 3 circles BLACKS vertical. The central and 'smaller (and could be designed in a negative rather than making LIGHT DARK, but they did not), and added to the larger one and clear that' the same diameter of 2 BLACKS above and below. Perhaps the meaning is that the 3 days of darkness are not to be counted with the same number of hours. If the decoding and 'correct, it fits together with the rest of the decoding, regardless of the fact that many visionaries have spoken of 72 hours of darkness, by deduction logic (3 days x 24 hours), mnetre we know that even the Revelation confirmation the DAY and NIGHT on Earth will lose 1/3 of their light.
FIG. 23.7 - Circle 07/28/2012 - difficult but not impossible - another confirmation of 07.21.2017
1 - y 2 x 16 + circles semicircle means:
2 says the millennium: 2000 . 16 circles say 16 year ie '2016 the second half circle, means ADD meta 'year and that is you get to META' 2017
2 - 7 circles provide MONTH: the seventh month and 'in July
3 - 10 + 11 circles provide the day: 21
4-4 wheels are in the direction of the large circle (our SUN indicated with 1) and the line indicated by the arrow indicates the BLUE DIRECTION
5 - the circle "centered" means that the OUR SUN (indicated by 2) will 'CENTERED in that DAY
6 - in the figure, the diameters of OUR SUN (1 and 2 in orange) and the SECOND SUN are kept consistent and unchanged
7 - 3 circles below are the remaining planets of the second sun (ref: fig. 9.1.4 above)
confirmation of the date 07.21.2017
Starting from the "initial reference" for reading the date we count the number of spokes:
1 - rays from 1 to 20 marked in RED are the CENTENARI = 20 ----> 2000 years
2 - rays from 1 to 17 are marked in GREEN YEARS = 17 ----> 2,017 years - PLEASE NOTE The 2 HEADBANDS CLOSE TO BEAM Ranked # 16 MEANING: Leap
3 - rays from 1 to 7 marked in BLUE are MONTHS = 7 ----> July
4 - rays are marked in PURPLE DECADES (tens of days) = 2 -----> 20 days
5 - in the last ray marked BLACK marks the days after decades = 1 ----> total 21 days
FIG. 23:10 - the date is outgoing: 21/07/2017
circle resumed 07/31/2014
4 elements that form the oscillation for measurement of time:
1 - the pendulum (the long)
2 - the balance of the mechanical clock -connected to the center circle with a swing
3 - the swing
4 - the tuning forks used in clocks (eg: bulova)
4 and elements that are used in dowsing. (BIo tensors of various types) usually applied to ancient medicine
total 8 items that say things 2 + 1:
3 - the CIRCLE CENTRAL and 'EARTH. and the message ': It' CURE TIME / HEAL the EARTH (the center circle)
8 elements are: the number of RESURRECTION
the date of the crop circle on 7/30/2014 ----> 30-7 = 23
2014 + 3 = 2017
circle resumed 25/07/2012 FIG. 27 - also MARS WILL 'DESTROYED
I would say that this circle is confirmed, but the star charts confirm. when Mercury Venus and Earth are aligned behind the sun on 04/16/2017 at Easter), Mars will instead 'front in the direction of arrival of the second sun, who after having eaten Uranus in October 2016, is going to eat' too little mars more 'late in 2017 the god of war will be 'destroyed before the resurrection. the circle of 'indications of which planets are in the SECOND SIGHT SUN. You do not want to be a star map that indicates the actual locations. The diameters of 9 planets are SYMBOLIC, while the red circles and blue, could give indications of distance, and by inference of WHEN it happens. Uranus, already 'know (approximately October 2016), for Mars will be' a few months later.
Circle of 1st August 2012
FIG. 28.1 - ACTUAL position of the planets BEFORE THE CLASH OF THE SECOND SUN
The crop circle of 1 August 2012, seems to indicate the actual positions of the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth [in the box the position actual scale detected graphically, are close to the actual current], changed from their actual position to effect the gravitational pull of the great mass of the SECOND SUN. As a result, the three planets will actually be PERFECT LINE, before the clash with the second sun our sun, which will 'position TOTAL PROTECTION to the antagonist. The meaning and apocalyptic 'pretty clear: OUR SUN and' LIGHT, that 'Christ that sits again (he died for the SECOND TIME) to save the HUMANITY'; ie 'intrudes and shields the second sun (OFF - Read BLACK = Satan). The circles indicate the timing to climb to astronomical months, not yet fully decoded.
while there is a formula to calculate the revolution around a star (Kepler's third law), there is no way to calculate the SPEED 'ROTATION a planet, also because' influenced by any satellites that slow it down and will stabilize the tilt on 'axis. doing a simple calculation applied to the diameters, (as those of Earth and Venus are very similar) if the earth (no moon) should take the place of Venus, the diameter ratio 12,700 km for the Earth and 12,100 km for Venus. He says the ROTATION (and 'my deduction, no scientific formula confirms) can' be given by the ratio:
12.7 / 12.1 = 1.05 (increases the time 'cause the planet EARTH' more 'big).
if we multiply 15 hours / day of Venus x 5.1 out 15,74 ie '15 hours and 45 minutes.
if we add a minimum slowdown also due to the presence of the Moon, and even then Venus, and 'possible that the hours are just 16 days as mentioned in Revelation - Chapter 8 73-Text.htm top #
Ctrl + click to follow link The Seventh Seal [12] The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun, a third of the moon and a third of the stars was struck and darkened the day lost a third of its light and night likewise. From the graph of FIG. And 27 'so can be calculated with formulas of plane geometry, the hours of the day during the ORBIT LOCATION, assuming that the track designed by the angels is true and not just a tool CUE.
17/04/22 from the earth displaced 'towards Venus, and during this period the clock will begin to recede, but also moving around the sun not be' more 'the same for the strong attraction of the Second Sun
from 05/17/13 16 hours will be a day, but it 's approximate. in the sense that the calculations indicate 15 hours and 45 minutes per day. but who actually knows now? NOBODY this' means that from the 13-5- 21-7 there are 69 days to CALENDAR, but the hours will be:
1-1104 if we count the 16 days, 2 to 1086.75 if you count 15 hours and 45 minutes a day instead of 1656 hours as it should be to the current that will 'humanity' in front of this thing will reset 'the clock whenever the sun at NOON (ie' after 8 hours) fluke 'in front of a piece of wood that each home will have' planted. bearing in mind that the sun NOT born 'to EST, and will' evolutions that I will not explain, tell me, who will know 'really CALENDAR?
there 'a beautiful message Anguera: The midday sun will be considered more important than the evening. ---> What is the point? a non-trivial sense if integrated into context just said, and the SUN EVENING for me would be that the PLANET VENUS, very close to us, (for a spit away) will be 'a huge moon enlighten' the land, but on this last point for now they do not just guesses.
2539 - 24.06.2005
Dear children, return to the Lord. Only in Him is your full happiness. Repent of your sins and be reconciled with the Lord through the Sacrament of Confession. Eucharist is your strength. Prepare and receive precious food. The midday sun will be considered more important than the evening. A bird of the building will live in another nest. Bird dangerous country of the king; land of sins. Listen carefully to what I say. Always pray and pray a lot. It is good to pray for Pope Benedict XVI. The stone of the stone will be broken. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
movement around the sun will be 'slowed down quite a bit and the seasons change. Also in this case, we know the date, but not exactly on the day and time you ..... here come true prophecies. Jesus never speaks at random, but drawing conclusions only on the words you are likely to say to God, what should do ..the end of time, and only the wise comprederanno 'written in Daniel
I only draw the conclusions, I do not say BELIEVE ME, but have to see without praying, you risk big
The Antichrist, the False Prophet and the TRINITY RELIGIOUS 'sacrilegious
The anti-Christ is the Son of Satan and the FALSE PROPHET will end either in the LAKE OF FIRE
September 7, 2014 - The Antichrist will take office, as it will be invited to do so
My dear children, watch out for the signs of the times, when the Antichrist will take office in the Church of my Son on earth, in a way clearly visible to all of you.
Do not think, even for a moment, that the anti christ they break against the Church of My Son, aggressively taking it by force. Inspired and guided dall'ingannatore in person, the Antichrist will assume the position as it will be invited to do so.
All the amendments to the missals of the Church, will be announced shortly and the explanation given, that they will reflect the modern world and, therefore, must become inclusive, in order to adapt to the various other religions and cults. When the True Word of God and the teachings of my Son Jesus Christ, will be changed, they will become dry, because they do not reflect the truth, sent to the world from my Son.
The Antichrist, at first become popular, thanks to its political skills; later, he will move his attention to the various religions, but his main interest will focus on Christianity. Christ is his greatest enemy and the object of his hatred, hence its ultimate goal will be to destroy the Church of my Son. It will be dismantled in different ways, before him, the Antichrist, will be asked to join. He will be involved in decision-orchestrated plan to launch the new, unique, world religion. All these changes, when the Church will publicly proposed the unification of all religions, will take place before the anti christ take his place on the throne of my Son on earth; since then the way will be cleared for the beast, so that it can walk freely in the Church of My Son, where he will be given a place of honor. Finally, it will be announced that he will become the leader of the one world order and will place his lavish coronation. This event will be seen worldwide and followed by politicians, dignitaries, celebrities and various; when the crown will be placed on his head, as if it will be the last nail had been driven into the Body of My Son: on that day, the Catholic Church will be desecrated and many bishops and priests will flee, because from that moment They will understand that the prophecies predicted, have unveiled before their eyes.
From that day forward, when the See of God will have been offered to the antichrist, it will show great signs body, that will convince people of his holiness. They will say that the Antichrist will show signs of stigmata, and also, he will be seen to cure the sick and incurable diseases. They will be awarded the great miracles and, with the passage of time, will convince many people that he was Jesus Christ and that his rise to the summit of this false church, it is a sign of the Second Coming. And though the laity may have been responsible for the formation of the core of the church remaining, formed from what was left of the Church founded by My Son to earth, the priests will be those that guide you from that point on. The Holy Spirit will support the True Church during the reign of the anti christ and he, as well as every enemy of My Son, will never prevail against it.
The truth will never die. The Word of God, although desecrated, will never die. The Church will never die, although it is cast into the desert. Even the hour of his greatest weakness will remain alive and, regardless of what the Church is attacked my son, God will never allow to be destroyed.
During those days to come, you must never deluded by accepting such a deception. You will be attracted by the antichrist and he will be supported by the enemies of the Church of My Son. He will be welcomed in the churches, by the false leaders and acclaimed worldwide for his works of charity. Receive great honors in many countries and people held his framed in their homes. He, the Antichrist, will be idolized more than God, but it will be for Hand of God that will be hurled into the abyss, along with those who steal the souls of the children of God, when a party to the attempted destruction of the Church of My Son.
Your Beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
The central eye provides the object of the search and 'consists of an ellipse symbolizing the orbit ELLITTICA, and the apple symbolizing the SUN.
The reference and 'OFF in the ball outside. It counts clockwise.
At the center of the 4 semicircles they indicate MILLENNI since they are formed by four sides the meaning and 'POSITION to the 4th digit from the right:
Mxxx = 4,000
then the triangles indicate the external DOZENS of years (the triangle indicates the third digit from the right):
xdxx = x24x
then below the wishbone smaller indicating the 3 digit from the left must be subtracted. This is because smaller means less important,
xxAx = xx24 from ESCAPE because triangles are against PUNTA PUNTA (in phase) to the outer
SUBTOTAL 4,216 years
fail to add the 12 quads yellow on the fourth digit. They are to be added because they are PHASE with triangles external and 4th digit because they are smaller and are still in the innermost
xxxA = xxx1,2 TOTAL 4,216 + 1.2 = 4217.2
they are added only half because they are on the center line of reference. It is assumed that this is a further message to understand, but also adding 2.4 all you get to:
TOTAL 4,216 + 2.4 = 4218.4 YEARS
and the average found between the two results and 'of:
4217.8 YEARS
If you want the same orbit that comes from the BIBLE and previously used in astronomical calculations
THE CENTRAL around the eye: quadrangles indicate DOZENS of years and finally remains DETACHED from the rest a portion marked in LILAC, we consider UNIT 'YEARS.
As the EYE also symbolizes the EYE of GOD; and God and 'UNITY' par excellence, means that the parts near the eye also symbolize a TYPE of "UNITY '': the UNIT 'ORBIT ASTRONOMICAL the SECOND SUN.
The EXTERNAL REFERENCE (the PALLINO) indicates in fact a BODY OUTSIDE the GREAT CIRCLE (we can also assume as OUR SOLAR SYSTEM with OUR SUN CENTRE. In PRACTICE indicates both.
There is a relationship according to Kepler's third law of the orbit calculated by the radius of the orbit in UNITA 'Astronomical and ellipse orbit crossed in YEARS
haul U.A = 261
for the third law of Kepler 261 ^ 3 = 17779581
must correspond with the year orbit squared = A ^ 2
square root of 17779581 = 4216, 6 YEARS
A more accurate value is given with decimals from the computation of years represented by the crop circle to the side and explained that ':
4217.8 YEARS
"Roberto From Italy" God Bless All ...
ALL WORK ON OUR WEBSITES ARE Copyrighted and NOT To be copied or circulated without express permissions .. (c) 2015 WDHCo Group ...& Respectfully "Roberto" who we thank for Warning Us all.. ONLY TIME Will tell .....
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