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This report should send chills down everybody's spine. While what Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology (GCFCEI) is or will soon become is unknown, it smacks of a Big Brother with global reach and unlimited powers, i.e.the New World Order. Did Trump, who has already been swallowed by the Deep State set the center up for the Global elites? It seems to be so, since as J.R. Nyquist writes (below), Trump already lost all semblance of control over his administration and the USA. Therefore, the decision of what constitutes "extremist ideology" shall now be left in the hands of an educated globalist elite team of what they call "scholars", who are now armed with this huge computer network in Saudi Arabia which is connected to every conceivable electronic device, potable, desktop or otherwise on Earth.
The description of what GCFCEI is from their own on-line brochure:.
Novel and innovative software tools capable of monitoring, classifying and analyzing any extremist content within just 6 seconds of its online broadcast, and with more than 80% accuracy levels, giving a whole new perspective and opening new frontiers in the fight against digital extremism.
“Today, we proudly announce the establishment of the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology to be the guiding light and global hub for international efforts against the prime enemy of humanity; that is, extremism.” — brochure that introduced the new Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology
In my previous blog about the Manchester suicide bombing, I chose to leave out a few data points for the sake of brevity. One of those data points was the fact that the name of the accused bomber was “Salman.” That data point was being reserved for this blog. Let’s remember that the Manchester event happened immediately after President Trump’s visit to Riyadh.
Obviously, whenever we hear the name “Salman” we can’t help but think of King Salman of the House of Saud. The mass media treated us to an array of travel photos and news articles that set the social media tongues wagging. One of these related to what the internet quickly dubbed as the bizarre “Trump orb” ritual that was carried out by Egypt’s President el-Sisi, King Salman, and President Trump on May 21, 2017, just one day before the Manchester bombing.
As happens so often, the attention-strained Internet crowd leapt to a snap judgment without digging any further. Let it be known that there was no “ritual” with this glowing lamp. This device was simply something like a “plasma globe” (and again I smirk at the homage paid to Nikola Tesla) which, upon contact with human electrical energy, activated a multimedia screen visible to the hundreds of onlookers at the freshly launched “Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology” in Riyadh. However, I will give the Internet crowd credit for one thing: you are right to be horrified at what you saw but not for the reason that you might have imagined.
Did any of us even hear about this project? I know I didn’t. One of the reasons why President Trump was in Riyadh this past month was to participate in the inauguration of a huge data center whose mission is to fight terrorism. This quick 3-minute video below is a time-lapse presentation of how this ocular temple-looking facility was hastily built. And methinks this is not the work of Arabian camel herders. If you needed to get something of this scale built in a hurry, to whom would you turn? The Chinese? The Germans? Somebody who is the “cream of the crop” of both? I am still trying to discover details about who exactly is responsible for the creation of this Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology, a center that seems to be associated with the website [linked here].
While most of social media is slobbering over the image of the “lit globe,” the rest of us might want to zoom out from that photo and take in the full scene. Say hello to literally hundreds of data terminals and a Big Brother type of network. (The video is fast-forwarded to the 17-minute marker.)
According to the 10-page PDF brochure that you can download yourself there, the stated purpose of this Center does now appear to reveal one very large reason for why Robert Mercer, the Big Data king of Cambridge Analytica, was Trump’s single largest campaign donor:
MISSION — To actively and pro-actively combat, expose, and refute extremist ideology, in cooperation with governments and organizations concerned.
The Center uses three pivot points to “combat extremist ideology.” These are: 1). counter the Ideology with other ideology, 2). sabotage extremist digital activities, and 3). out-brand extremism with clever mass media.
Now you might be wondering, as did I, about who exactly gets to decide what constitutes “extremist ideology”? The brochure provided the answer:
The Center also has a Higher Committee for Ideology, which comprises a number of prominent scholars as well as global intellectuals and opinion shapers. The committee is entrusted with reviewing the ideology-related goals of the Center, proposing ideology programs, and setting the mechanisms for achieving the ideology goals.
And here comes the Robert Mercer/Ray Kurzweil engineers with all their trappings of Artificial Intelligence, Human Language Analysis, Behavior Modification, etc. etc.:
“The Center is already armed with state-of-the-art innovative software tools and technologies with the most stringent standards of accuracy, reliability, and efficiency required to achieve their goals….
Unequivocal excellence in Ideology Research through a distinguished team of multidisciplinary researchers competent in using big data analytical tools as well as possessing the geopolitical, social, and historical expertise necessary to provide in-depth analyses and actionable insights on different extremist groups.
Novel and innovative software tools capable of monitoring, classifying and analyzing any extremist content within just 6 seconds of its online broadcast, and with more than 80% accuracy levels, giving a whole new perspective and opening new frontiers in the fight against digital extremism.
Technology that works in all different languages and dialects common in the extremist discourse. Advanced analytical models are under development to identify digital media platforms locations that will shed light on extremist hotbeds and covert areas for recruitment activities.
Do you feel comforted knowing that the decision of what constitutes “extremist ideology” shall now be left in the hands of an educated elite team of scholars who have been carefully armed with that Big Data network we have warned about all year, a network now plugged into those little devices you carry in your purse, your pocket, your living room, oh and pretty much everywhere you drive and walk?
Orwell is screaming at us from his grave.
As I mentioned above, I’m still trying to figure out who exactly was responsible for concocting this Extremist Center and building it so fast. I really can’t imagine that this was all the idea of the Saudi’s alone or even of the Saudi’s plus the Israelis. To add a further dimension to these sudden developments in Riyadh, we might want to keep in mind comments made by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell in his weekly blog last week.
Dr. Farrell referred to statements being made the MSM that Trump didn’t just negotiate a +$300,000,000,000 arms sale to Saudi Arabia but that this agreement also includes the transfer of production and assembly of those arms to Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Farrell has speculated for many years that “what the real plan is to create an internal conflict in that region of the world that will lead to its demise…. The Islamic world is being set up for a fall.”
Indeed, our own Mr. W. and Robert David Steele have both expressed the opinion that the world is being driven down a path towards another catastrophic war. Albert Pike said there’d be days like this.
Let’s review what we have here: a Big Data Temple of Surveillance has suddenly appeared in Riyadh that is equipped not only with detecting “unapproved” ideas floating in the global mindstream but of actually broadcasting a re-direct of that idea within 6 seconds. (Hmmm, makes me wonder if somebody has discovered how to engineer a perpetual “Mandela Effect”?)
In addition to the Big Data capabilities, Riyadh has now been handed a quarter-trillion dollar arms deal that allows for Saudi Arabia to be used as the new location of the manufacture of those weapons. (Hmmm, sounds like somebody doesn’t think the traditional U.S. manufacturing sites will still be operating soon?)
If all that wasn’t enough, the President with goddess Melania, walking independently alongside, made a visit to Jerusalem when all the stars lined up just right.
In Early 2022 Our Youtube account has been Silenced by THEM as our information is Warning people of the Great Danger Humans on Earth are in. This is not a Major problem to our MAIN Website as we have been streaming our own Films Videos on there for last few years, HOWEVER This website we control has been linking many films videos from YouTube as such many articles here will no longer be viewable as ScrewTube a NWO Owned operation has zapped them as you would see if you followed a old video Link, as below.
THEY However do NOT Word as accurate as above shows? What they are saying is,"This account has been closed" Making out to the dumb that we indeed closed it, as if right? THEY Know the Truth would make even the dumbest think hmmmm Hang on a bit, So the accounts closed for NOT allowing questions as to 911, Jews, WW2, etc, and now being injected with a EVIL None tested Vaccine for a Cold and sniffling runny nose ! . ALARM Bells would ring to even the thickest out there, and so they adopt the same old Lies and Lies as usual. NO Longer is Youtube or other media owned by them of any use for REALITY on whats going on on Earth. The Truth is if you research we are in deep troubles. SO While you can Get busy watching OUR In House streamed Videos Films UNCENSORED @ .
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