Nibiru NASA Herramientas REVEAL Clues Update Planet X

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Segundo Sol Nibiru NASA Herramientas REVEAL Clues Update Planet X

NASA are removing many frames of SUN activity which we assume is maybe very telling. LUCKILY they can NOT remove all as it would obviously appear way to obvious, that things near and in Space and earth, are not as should be.

In the video and this article we show some interesting observations to further connect dots, which is derived from our known knowledge base and the bits missed by NASA tidy up teams.

 Nibiru NASA Herramientas REVEAL Clues Update Planet X

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Heres a few snapshot examples, from the video report. which you will find very interesting, and the serious researchers will be able also to connect the dots.

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Segundo Sol Nibiru NASA Herramientas REVEAL Clues Update Planet X