For The Complete Planet X Space "FULL MONITORS" Earth Researchers and FOR "Serious Researchers". Check . Access To Exclusive Content Videos,Articles uncensored. Access To Private sections on both our Nibiru-Elenin websites, and access to "Exclusive" Content, Information on Earth Planet X and content You need to know but youtube google and the Media DO NOT Want you to know, and all New Findings reports which will only go on SlavePlanet, NOT on other Media..
Further investigations in to the Robbing of Youtubers money by Dance all Day Musicvertriebs GmbH gets even more sicker, and even more seedy the deeper the investigations go, many others have and are being scammed by the deliberate misuse of the Youtube Content id system, in the video below you will see the direct and known abuse of the id system, in order to rob small youtubers individual works money streams. The question anyone should ask is, if they deliberately steal a obvious well known Kevin Macleoud classic like his "Music for Matinees", then what other not so well known tracks have they fed in the system to simply steal and Rob both artists and hard working youtube makers with? This shady "DANCEallDay Musicvertriebs Gmbh" Is NOT alone in the scamming on youtube, but THIS Is the most blatant and sickening taking the Pee out of youtube and youtubers EVER Encountered. The video explains exactly how they and others in on the scamming of youtube others works, is produced along with sample of the PROOF of DANCE all Day Musicvertriebs Gmbh Youtube CONTENT id Scamming. From sounds to public speeches all used to steal money and given to youtube for the sole reason of stealing youtubers money.
The Interesting thing as you will see is even with contact to DANCEallDay Musicvertriebs GmbH investigation ARMIN WIRTH CEO, what the reply is, it is always short and asks as to what video is in question. They know it is the Kevin Macleoud rip off one and so what does this tell us?, Simple if they do NOT know which video was the one, then it tells us they Have SO MANY. So How many Kevin Macleouds songs which are FREE to youtubers to use, HAVE and are stolen. The - Dance all day - DANCEallDay Musicvertriebs GmbH investigation ARMIN WIRTH CEO youtube team, must have years and hundreds of false claims they are aware of maybe? Surely if this blatant steal was just the one, it would be a case of knowing about it and saying sorry and sorting it. The FACT is by nature of the response email, they have so many, and much stole revenues to match, after all THEY Clearly and blatantly STOLE as the video "Music for Matinees by Kevin Macleoud" what other similar over years and years have theys stole with the Youtube content id SCAM.
see below this i.A. Maximiliane Obermeyer , Youtube Controller for Dance all day, Feiyr, Musicvertriebs GmbH set up, asks for links to video even after she had already been shown the offending stolen Kevin Macleoud Music for Matinees video, her Organisation has used to ROB and steal ALL Money from the ESi channel video. So ESi must be just one of Many more they have robbed. It certainly appears to be a case of the steal what you can from as many as you can, ONLY when they shout extremely loud will they release the youtube money scam, and ONLY on those who catch them out.
This video they were advised about is Kevin Macleouds work, even the artist knows this. THEY Deliberately must be scamming it and as they ask which one, it clearly tells they have maybe hundreds of steals on this one !!
DANCEallDay Musicvertriebs GmbH investigation ARMIN WIRTH the CEO still have never responded , busy spending the money most likely. Let us be honest, with the ability to steal many videos and all with youtubes blessings, just imagine how much money on thousands of videos is being generated and robbed from small youtube individuals who have no clout or muscle to do or say a word, simply just roll over and let this scamming stealing bunch take whatever they want. THE Only solution now on youtube is make silent movies, as its screwed for much else , unless you want to feed the scammers.
DANCEallDay Musicvertriebs GmbH investigation ARMIN WIRTH CEO ARE a disgrace to Youtube and Youtube should act and stop the ongoing robbery of the small youtubers who are trying to earn a little beer money by providing content. Sadly they will not do anything as its all about the money, although in youtubes case at least they are honest about it.
In Early 2022 Our Youtube account has been Silenced by THEM as our information is Warning people of the Great Danger Humans on Earth are in. This is not a Major problem to our MAIN Website as we have been streaming our own Films Videos on there for last few years, HOWEVER This website we control has been linking many films videos from YouTube as such many articles here will no longer be viewable as ScrewTube a NWO Owned operation has zapped them as you would see if you followed a old video Link, as below.
THEY However do NOT Word as accurate as above shows? What they are saying is,"This account has been closed" Making out to the dumb that we indeed closed it, as if right? THEY Know the Truth would make even the dumbest think hmmmm Hang on a bit, So the accounts closed for NOT allowing questions as to 911, Jews, WW2, etc, and now being injected with a EVIL None tested Vaccine for a Cold and sniffling runny nose ! . ALARM Bells would ring to even the thickest out there, and so they adopt the same old Lies and Lies as usual. NO Longer is Youtube or other media owned by them of any use for REALITY on whats going on on Earth. The Truth is if you research we are in deep troubles. SO While you can Get busy watching OUR In House streamed Videos Films UNCENSORED @ .
IT IS IMPORTANT TO VIEW Over 1000 Hours of Films and Articles we hold and stream from our own Servers as after 16 years of research i assure you HUMANS are in the biggest danger the Earth has ever seen. Even the dopes MUST surely realize all is not well with both Health Issues such as Cancers NOW 1 in 3 as against 1 in 1000 years ago! The deliberate destruction of White Christian Nations with Paid for deliberate Immigration from Third worlds etc, then the phoney wars the Fake Viruses etc, etc, ALL This and more easily shown in Videos Films and years of research if only people look and warn others. So do your bit help us keep fighting against media censorship and waking as many as possible by watching sharing and even funding what is a very very expensive task.
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