For The Complete Planet X Space "FULL MONITORS" Earth Researchers and FOR "Serious Researchers". Check . Access To Exclusive Content Videos,Articles uncensored. Access To Private sections on both our Nibiru-Elenin websites, and access to "Exclusive" Content, Information on Earth Planet X and content You need to know but youtube google and the Media DO NOT Want you to know, and all New Findings reports which will only go on SlavePlanet, NOT on other Media..
A Real Life Capture of Many strange orbs Angels Spirits or whatever term is used for these strange light balls, getting more and more evident as Camera quality and their collecting light spectrum improves, suddenly with the added use of night vision and cctv Infra Red capabilities many similar strange orbs ghosts visions and flying objects are showing to be moving with us humans, its just we can not see them with our limited vision. Humans eye light visibility is weak, we only see a tiny part of reality, this is where Cameras are opening up the reality, and reality is not always easy to swallow. so watch these great videos and read the story below, As it seems in most cases some history follows the mass captures.
Supplied by Douglas Of USA who we thank for
taking the time and trouble to share his story and Captures
with us..
Douglas lives off grid 10 miles out in the National Park region
of USA. Formerly a large Indian Reservation and near the final
capture place of Captain Jack .
He advises the area is always turning up suprises when he works
on the land.
Douglas Told me about grinding stones, spears, knives ,
rock stacks and arrowheads that he has found around his property
and every spring there are new surprises.
This is an area where not many humans have been in the last
hundred years or so because there is no way to access it
except down his driveway.
The nearest human habitation is 10 miles away.
It is very quiet out here except for the sounds of nature
and the rushing creek.
There are petroglyphs all around the area, some big, some small.
The petroglyph with the dozen or so upside down triangles
with a line through them is the most perplexing one.
It is very large (about 2 feet by 3 feet and is etched into very hard rock.
This is where the last indian war ended.
Also of interest is a "Grinding Hole" which is situated
only some 20 Feet from his Porch.
This firmly puts his Home and Out buildings on certain old
Reservation Homestead or similar ...
AFTER WATCHING OUR "Crop Circle Video with Roberto
having weird encounters and orbs and captures, which we showed,"
THIS Gave Him a shock and he got in touch as he had similar
captures, in the past and from time to time,
Roberto is the Genius who has spent years on Breaking
down the "Codes" on crop circles, and the Relijus work
to bring us Planet X end times date.. ( ALL his work is among the vids on our
Channel.. ) He has demonstrated to us beyond doubt, with proof
i am unable to divulge in Public, of his God connections and Angel
So Douglas contacted us and watch what he supplied us
and bear in mind before hand ..
1, His location is Unique we have verified exact position, and the
grounds history, all is exactly as described.
2. we have investigated land claims and that is as advised.
3. NO Insects as per Robertos vids filmed during cold weather.
Add to the numerous weird happenings he reports,
He has had instances of male voices in trees ,heard but uneligible.
Outdoor chairs which were set around campfire moved some 20 feet
and neatly aligned.
Being off grid Douglas has own generators and has had them
turned off .. not by trip. but by MAIN switch whilst he was alone indoors .
Many thumps bangs on doors and roof and distant chantings of many
people, sounding close , and yet he is some 10 miles from others .
ALL strange stuff, hence why he got the cctv to see what is going on .
OK Now lets show the videos, enough of the rambling ..
Of most interest , is the final video with the 2 mystery objects.
LIKE Us you will probably say lens flare, but its very strange as no light sources, so lens flare is impossible, also movement is strange,
add to this that on still pictures 2 same orbs seem to be very often in background, are these watching or is it all just fluke,
anyway, we only report, So sit back watch and see what you think .? it is a PUZZLER FOR SURE
And all this leads me to determine, if i had to make a decision, that,
There IS Another life dimension we humans do NOT See
and This life only seen in certain Infra Red light spectrums and, is intelligent !!!
So What do YOU Make of it all ?
MY TAKE on it, This orb and Spirit stuff is GENUINE
WE will all be coming back and just watching and floating around in our next life , maybe ?
Does NOT Sound to exciting does it , BUT who KNOWS, Maybe it will be fun ?,
many Thanks To Douglas, For giving us the footage, and we will report should anything new get captured.
In Early 2022 Our Youtube account has been Silenced by THEM as our information is Warning people of the Great Danger Humans on Earth are in. This is not a Major problem to our MAIN Website as we have been streaming our own Films Videos on there for last few years, HOWEVER This website we control has been linking many films videos from YouTube as such many articles here will no longer be viewable as ScrewTube a NWO Owned operation has zapped them as you would see if you followed a old video Link, as below.
THEY However do NOT Word as accurate as above shows? What they are saying is,"This account has been closed" Making out to the dumb that we indeed closed it, as if right? THEY Know the Truth would make even the dumbest think hmmmm Hang on a bit, So the accounts closed for NOT allowing questions as to 911, Jews, WW2, etc, and now being injected with a EVIL None tested Vaccine for a Cold and sniffling runny nose ! . ALARM Bells would ring to even the thickest out there, and so they adopt the same old Lies and Lies as usual. NO Longer is Youtube or other media owned by them of any use for REALITY on whats going on on Earth. The Truth is if you research we are in deep troubles. SO While you can Get busy watching OUR In House streamed Videos Films UNCENSORED @ .
IT IS IMPORTANT TO VIEW Over 1000 Hours of Films and Articles we hold and stream from our own Servers as after 16 years of research i assure you HUMANS are in the biggest danger the Earth has ever seen. Even the dopes MUST surely realize all is not well with both Health Issues such as Cancers NOW 1 in 3 as against 1 in 1000 years ago! The deliberate destruction of White Christian Nations with Paid for deliberate Immigration from Third worlds etc, then the phoney wars the Fake Viruses etc, etc, ALL This and more easily shown in Videos Films and years of research if only people look and warn others. So do your bit help us keep fighting against media censorship and waking as many as possible by watching sharing and even funding what is a very very expensive task.
Thanks For Watching and Helping...
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Submit your Captures, and any Genuine News Worthy Earth Space Nibiru Mystery Planet and similar stuff to us , via our email Contact Section, We will give our honest initial thoughts, and then use and Broadcast the findings on your behalf, ONLY assuming its newsworthy of course. with credits going to you, unless you opt for keeping anonimity ? YOUR Choice, Contact us...
Had you snapped something weird ? and didnt know what to do with it ? Maybe your not sure what it is ? Give us a shout and lets check it for you...We welcome input and can create and promote your find worldwide..
We welcome your cooperation, what you may have captured could well fit to already known data, and help complete the Puzzle.. Do Not Be Shy...
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