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So YOU Think angels do not exist, YOU Think crop circles are man made and just pretty pictures, God is at work watch and then understand THIS IS NO JOKE End days are coming, we have the exact date.. Thanks to Roberto..
0;1 - 4;26 Is my talk explaining, the video and views etc,
as - >
Good Evening, Tonight we answer the many short sighted closed minded viewers remarks, with the many paid Trolls posting all crops are man made blah blah yada yada, First we show the very latest final decodes from Roberto, once again yet another confirm of his July 2017 final sun impact, after we will show some very interesting clips of top crop circle investigators findings, and show some interesting points, maybe just maybe then you will understand why we give so much respect to Roberto with his date, his date is not like most others just plucked from the air, his date is not just from what he has decoded from the Bible early scriptures, and not just from looking and making a guess work as to what the pictures look like,
But a date and events prediction based on hard facts from history Scriptures, Holy Mary messages and technical Mathematics, ALL combined, this is why we give credence and unlimited time for Roberto, You viewers have no idea how many man hours is spent on a single crop circle, Not many people in the world can or have done what Roberto does and has done, For months and months Roberto researches genuine crops and found the common code used by the Angels giving us the warnings,
Angels sure yea you say, with a snigger, well wait til the end before jumping to conclusions you must see the whole video, and then see if you still laugh,
Remember, keep a clear logic head, remember we can only see less than 1% of the real earth reality, light and sound spectrums, and forget all notions of what you have seen or heard on other what we call mickey mouse youtube channels, these people do not have a clue most the time, they simply have made a video for video making sense, and keep on regurtiatating old false news on Nib i ru, planet X,
Roberto has proved beyond any doubt his genuine Christian Faith commitment, Roberto has shown in confidence stuff which clearly converted me to go from a well God may exist so i go to church for weddings and funerals and stuff to suddenly having a big wake up call, The stuff i have seen and been entrusted with has confirmed beyond a doubt, this is no joke, Crop circles, Angels, Messages of the future and such like, is reality, we need to realize we are such a small thick race in the grand scale of the full Dimension we are living in,
So sit back get comfy and prepare to enter the Reality and then think hard and maybe just maybe the penny will drop, and you will understand why the Elites spent your Trillions on mass town like underground bunkers, there off world hideouts, and why even CERN is being ramped up, the dots connect and lets be honest, you can bet the Governments of the world, those in the elites pay and team know all this, and from this year onwards 2016 with severe earth changes, and the final catastrophe in July 2017, that the world is in big trouble, from Gods nibiru return, thats why the vatican got the best telescopes, Also in the video you may also pick up on the clues yet again of the bad aliens, antichrists, who indeed are running the earth and governments, and taken over the Church as many crop circles have been made to warn us of the bad evil government elements, and to warn those in the pay of evil that they are also being decieved,
I shall shut up now and let you watch the interesting clips, and hope you wake up and realize its no longer game time, this is serious stuff and Governments want this silenced and go to all ends to keep it secret, so if i go quiet, yep they got me with a heart attack stun gun or the old he did himself in with a bit of piano wire, yea right i aint even got a piano, so if they pull that one you know i was silenced,
4;26 - 13:15
Is a Coast to Coast radio broadcast with "Patty Geer" who is a crop circle expert and film maker, she is chatting and is saying that the crop circles are made from something coming up from the earth. She likens to a plasma field 2 orbs creating the fields spinning and create crops, also she says they took readings in crop circle and it had 2 Norths on compass, then she talks about how she knows they are not man made but certainly something beyond humans .
13:15 - 18:10
Part of "Alan Foster" doing a lecture and what i used this part is that he states, the later crop circles seem to have a more Religous tone, and shows and explains a few crops to show the point, also points out that in one crop he feels on crop circle time 32;10 he states this shows the words "Return of The Messiah" and words "Christ-Messiah-Catastrophe-Eclipse-Life-God" so he says, AT the crop at 15;53 he shows this crop and notes its pointing to 222 degrees of which he states in numerology 222 =
a "cosmic christ consciousness" this confirming the crop circles Christ God messages.
He then shows the cube looking crop circle and explains the high quality work and states as we know, that these crops are not just pretty incredible pictures, but they hold key messages for mankind.
18:10 - 20:19
Is a short clip explains Stonehenge and the way crop circles always have maths built in to shapes and send message, in crop circle shown the message from the circumferences they show as "GODDESS OF ALL CREATION".
20:23 - 27:11
A "Dr Horace Drew" shows in crop circles how he has found many times Events in Crops have shown future events, which again i found interesting and follows your findings . the crops and pics should be easy for you to follow. He finishes by saying the crops he has seen lately which was 2011 i understand, seem to show 2016 as times for change and dangers, but he does not go in to further detail on that. but confirms Governments are covering crops up like they do UFO and stuff.
27:11 - 29:17
This was just a radio chat show where this guy who i do not know is explaining the vaticans obsession with space and they know something is coming inwards, and how they had governments power to get planning consent on what should be legally unbuildable lands..
29:17 - End
Just a small clip of "Robert Dean" a known UFO and ex Govt whistle blower saying how Nibiru he estimates 2017 will be back .
Its just a collection of what i felt had some interesting info on crops and 2017
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